Friday, July 15, 2016

Zombie Vs. Me by Hannah Efron

When I stepped into the dark alley behind Zebra Hills Cemetery I knew that things had taken a turn for the worse. But maybe that was because an 8 ft. zombie was moaning in front of me. It had a cold, blank stare (It felt like the zombie was staring right through me.). I grabbed the huge ninja star from my even bigger pocket and threw it so it cut off his head. But his ghostly arms reached out and put his head back on his neck. Ever heard the rumor that zombies speed up when they’re near their prey? Well, it’s true. As the zombie lunged toward me I came up with a plan. I had a rope in my pocket. I could use that to tie up his mouth so he couldn’t bite me. Then I would turn him into a statue with a homemade cement gun. But to make a cement gun I would need

a dead worm 

So first I tied his mouth shut in a blink of an eye.
Then I picked a tomato and squeezed the juice out into a cup. Next I got a granite rock from the landscape. Now all I would need is a dead worm. But worms vanished from earth like a jillion years ago. Or did they? Lately I have seen better soil than ever. So well the zombie struggled to untie the knot I checked every corner of the cemetery and FINALLY found a dead worm buried beneath centuries of dust on a golden plaque at the head of a coffin. But I was running out of time. I needed to make the cement gun fast. Quickly I covered the granite in ketchup and lay the smooshed dead worm on top of it. Then faster than a second my concoction had turned into a cement gun. I quickly ran over to the zombie and squirted him with cement. Then I grabbed a hammer from the toolshed and smashed him into a million pieces. Next I whistled as I walked back home after a days work. Boy, would my Mom be proud of me.

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