Today I met Ms. Johnson, famous arts and craft maker and author or Little Tree and Bianca, in elementary school, Eastking Lake. She had on a rainbow and pigtails that pulled back her blond hair.
Ms. Kara Johnson informed me that three days ago, she picked her nose with a tissue. Could there be some manner issues and gaps in her social skills ? She also told me that she slapped a second grade boy. A famous author abusing a helpless child?
I asked her about some of her favorite foods. “Well,” She replied. “I like popcorn with two different types of gasses, some transformed milk, and a little bit of butter.” She also told me she likes eating innocent animals.
When I asked her what was the best author, she replied, “Uh… I don’t know?” Could there possibly be some secrets that in that subject?
And when I asked about what her favorite bird call was, she gave me a silly answer that could only lead me to believe that she’s pompous and arrogant. The same when I asked her her favorite shape and color. She also said to me, towards the start of the interview, “Good Hippo!” She called me a hippo! Is she delusional or making fun of me?
So, the truth comes out about Ms. Kara Johnson and what she’s like. Stay tuned for next week’s interview with famous jewelry maker, Paige Bismark!
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